Datamatix Established Since: May 13, 1989 00:00:00:
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Datamatix is a model work place that encourages and supports employees to execute their tasks with the aid of many innovative management practices. Furthermore, every possible operation is automated and employees use the internet and intranet facilities to communicate with customers and colleagues locally, regionally and internationally.
Under the Datamatix Clean Desk Policy, employees are trained to plan and schedule their work during the day, so they are able to complete tasks and leave their desks at 6pm with peace of mind; clean desk, clear mind.
This policy is also environmentally friendly with a 21st century vision. The clean desk policy has enabled Datamatix Group to successfully implement a near 100% paperless office. Employees are encouraged to be self reliant for their day to day operations to a point where even our Managing Director takes care of his busy schedule and other back office and secretarial requirements.
This means our management doesn't believe in secretarial positions. We loudly want to say - we are all leaders - and each and every one of us is responsible to bring the company upward.
Datamatix management supports these aims by training and cross training personnel on multiple skills that enable their professions and make them suitable for the modern industry.
If you would like to learn more and exchange ideas, join Datamatix Clean Desk Policy Symposium.