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The Congress Objectives and Profile

The congress is a unique platform that gathers the global Governments, Authorities, States, Provinces, Cities, Municipalities, Local Governments, and corporate businesses and it is a remarkable occasion for governors, mayors, government and business leaders, and decision-makers. The event will discuss the latest strategies and governance for strengthening tomorrow’s cities' development and integration policies along with the needs of the 2050-Future-Cities growth.Read More

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Global States and Provinces
Trade and Business Delegation to Dubai

Business and Trade Opportunities - 20-23 Nov 2023 in Dubai, UAE

Global Business Opportunities

With years of Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) experience a2d creative expertise, our team can bring your ideas to life and craft compelling stories to


Looking for Investors

With years of Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) experience a2d creative expertise, our team can bring your ideas to life and craft compelling stories to


Global Investments Opportunity

With years of Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) experience a2d creative expertise, our team can bring your ideas to life and craft compelling stories to


Global Investors and Business Leaders Networking

With years of Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) experience a2d creative expertise, our team can bring your ideas to life and craft compelling stories to

Cities Towns Villages Tourism
