Datamatix Established Since: May 13, 1989 00:00:00:
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Globalization is tearing down barriers and building new bridge samongnations , people , cultures , and organizations atana stonishing and historically un precedent edrate.
It has been fueled by an explosion of ICT that enables information , ideas , money , people , products , and services tomove within and acrossnational bordersat increasingly greater speeds and volumes.
Insuch aworld, it becomes very important for us to be continuously update don the latest trends and developments so that we can grab hold of the opportunities presented by the global economy.
We aspiret of ocuson the right initiatives that will help develop global leaders , with aspecial concentration on issues that are specific to this region,and to do our best,along with our global partners,to provide the latest knowledge,practices,and strategies in ICT,economy,business,and leadership. Our initiatives support there gional governments and businesses,facilitating relationships with in ternational entities across the globe .
Our aim is to foster continuous grow than dinnovation that will catapult this region to the fore front of the global commercial scene. The wave of change cannot be stopped,and we need to embraceitor risk being left behind.